History of Speak First

In 2004, considering the fact that there was no English Institution which applied international materials and curriculums in Klaten, Mr. Asta (founder of Speak First) decided to establish Speak First with his colleagues who were the CEOs of some reputable English Institutions in Jakarta and surroundings. In the beginning of time, Speak First had only a small classroom which accommodated less than 10 students. By the time flies, more than 600 students studied English in Speak First in just less than two years. In 2006, since the people’s trusts and interests were upright, Speak First established Speak First Preschool in English.

When Speak First Preschool in English was going on, the parents gave good responds and some suggestions that they wanted their children acquire knowledge and a good atmosphere of studying as best as their younger siblings did. Knowing about that, Speak First founded Speak First Kindergarten in English (TK Speak First) in 2008, Speak First Bilingual Primary School in 2010, and Speak First Full Day Program (Program Full Day) in 2014.

Nowadays, Speak First is on process constructing a new campus for Speak First Junior High School whose process is at 60%. In the new school year of education in 2020, Speak First Junior High School is going to officially start its learning activities. Until this history is written, Speak First becomes the one and only in Klaten.


Sejarah Speak First

Pada tahun 2004, melihat karena belum adanya lembaga bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan materi dan kurikulum internasional di Klaten, Bapak Asta (pendiri dari Speak First Klaten) memutuskan untuk mendirikan Speak First bersama beberapa koleganya yang juga merupakan pimpinan dari beberapa lembaga bimbingan belajar Bahasa Inggris terkemuka di Ibu Kota. Pada awal berdiri, Speak First hanya mempunyai sebuah kelas kecil yang terdiri tidak lebih dari 10 siswa. Lambat laun, berawal dari sebuah kelas tersebut, tidak sampai dalam hitungan dua tahun, Speak First mempunyai lebih dari 600 siswa bimbingan belajar. Pada tahun 2006, karena kepercayaan dan animo masyarakat Klaten terhadap Speak First yang begitu tinggi, Speak First mendirikan Speak First Preschool in English (PAUD Speak First) pada tahun 2006.

Ketika Speak First Preschool in English (PAUD Speak First) sudah berjalan, banyak orang tua yang memberikan respon positif dan menginginkan anak-anak di jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi mendapatkan ilmu dan suasana belajar seperti adik-adik mereka. Menyadari atas hal tersebut, Speak First mendirikan Speak First Kindergarten in English (TK Speak First) pada tahun 2008, lalu Speak First Bilingual Primary School (SD Speak First) pada tahun 2010 dan Full Day Program (Program Full Day) pada tahun 2014.

Saat ini, Speak First sedang mendirikan gedung baru yang nantinya akan menjadi Speak First Junior High School (SMP Speak First) yang prosesnya sudah berada di 60%. Pada tahun pendidikan ajaran baru 2020, Speak First Junior High School (SMP Speak First) akan resmi memulai kegiatan belajar mengajarnya. Hingga saat riwayat ini dimuat, Speak First menjadi yang pertama dan satu-satunya di Klaten.




To provide excellent programs for children and their families, in line with the needs of the community.


Menyediakan program–program terbaik bagi siswa/i dan keluarganya, sejalan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.



To prepare the children to develop their talents through creative activities focusing in character building, social relationship with others, technology awareness, the increasing way of thinking, socio emotional and spiritual development, skill and knowledge by providing “the world of playing”.


Mempersiapkan anak–anak dalam mengembangkan bakat mereka melalui aktivitas kreatif yang berfokus pada pengembangan karakter, interaksi sosial, kesadaran terhadap perkembangan teknologi, peningkatan pola pikir, perkembangan sosio emosional dan spiritual, serta kemampuan dan pengetahuan dengan menyediakan “dunia bermain”.


Speak First Testimonies

The following is what They say about us Speak First.


Integrated curriculum Integrated curriculum Experienced and Dedicated Teachers Experienced and Dedicated Teachers Computer and Audio - Visual Media Computer and Audio - Visual Media Air - Conditioned Classrooms Air - Conditioned Classrooms Creative Learning Area Creative Learning Area Fun playground Fun playground CCTV and Security CCTV and Security


English Festive Holiday 2022
English Festive Holiday 2022
Computer-Based Learning Activity
Computer-Based Learning Activity
Learnng With Native
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Daily Class
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Learning English With Native
Learning English With Native
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Mini Trip to Textile Manufacture
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Flag Ceremony
Flag Ceremony